Heaven Is Here
You and I were never separate
It's just an illusion
Wrought by the magical lens of
There is only one Wholeness
Only one Mind
We are like ripples
In the vast Ocean of Consciousness
Come, let us dance
The Dance of Creation
Let us celebrate
The Joy of Life
The birds, the bees
The infinite galaxies
Rivers, Mountains
Clouds and Valleys
Are all a pulsating pattern
Living, breathing
Alive with cosmic energy
Full of Life, of Joy...
You are much more
Than you ever imagined
You are the Sun
You are the Moon
You are the wildflower in bloom
You are the Life-throb
That pulsates, dances
From a speck of dust
To the most distant star
And you and I
Were never separate
It's just an illusion
Wrought by the magical lens of
Let us celebrate
The Joy of Life
Let us dance
The Dance of Creation
Curving back within ourselves
We create
Again and again
Endless cycles come and go
We rejoice
In the infinitude of Time
There never was a time
When I was not
Or you were not
There never will be a time
When we will cease to be
Infinite -- Unbounded
In the Ocean of Consciousness
We are like ripples
In the Sea of Bliss
You and I were never separate
It's just an illusion
Wrought by the magical lens of
We are like ripples
In the Sea of Bliss
Come, let us dance
The Dance of Creation
Let us celebrate
The Joy of Life
And You and I were never separate
It's just an illusion
Wrought by the magical lens of
Heaven is Here
Right now, this moment of Eternity
Don't fool yourself
Reclaim your Bliss
Michael Jackson - from The Spiritual Poems Collection
While walking in the park today, I was attracted to this still pool / puddle on the trail reflecting the infinite sky and the sun overhead...
As I began my practice, I became aware of the ripples that I was creating initially with my dance footsteps that were disrupting the tranquility of the water, and then more deliberately, with the pebbles I was throwing into it - fascinated by the patterns and ripples that were being created, effecting the still water.
It was powerful to embody the ripples of my actions, and the feeling of expansiveness - circling out as if into the universe...
I immensely appreciate the idea of the 'ripple effect' or the 'butterfly effect' - the theory of how what we do, in words, actions, or even thoughts, has a more far reaching impact on the world around us than we can imagine.
As the effect of the words spoken to someone may seem insignificant at the time, its impact can become a source of great pain, sadness, joy or inspiration. Not only our words, and actions, but also our thoughts are like pebbles dropped into still water, creating ripples that extend and expand outward indefinitely.
As I child I learned Transcendental Meditation with my family and was inspired by the ideas of the founder, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who believed that even our silent meditation practice creates a ripple effect - that the more people that spend time sitting in stillness meditating will create far more peace in the world than any 'action' - the effect of their meditation ripples outward and effects the subtle vibrations, the universal consciousness, of the world.
I have been thinking about the impact we as individuals are making in regards to the choices we are making in our lives - perhaps greater than we could ever imagine... I believe that we are all interconnected with all life forms and also, with what we might think are inanimate forms, such as rocks, on this planet. I hope to remember this more regularly in the future as I make choices in my life, not only in tangible things like buying locally, but also, in-regards to the intangible, like what thoughts seem to predominate my mind throughout the day... are they positive, life affirming, for the highest good of all beings, animate and inanimate?
I hope to remember that my words, actions and thoughts are like the delicate movement of air created by the wings of a butterfly dancing, that can potentially create a tornado on the other-side of the world...
Also, I often use the analogy when I am teaching meditation of our minds being like water - the waves are our thoughts (often stormy and turbulent) and how when we meditate we are able to calm the seas of our mind...
May the ripples we send out into the world be for the highest good of all... may we remember they can expand outward indefinitely...
Thank you for viewing this blog... it means a lot to me. I hope it may inspire in some way,
If you double-click the film below you can view it full screen - you can turn off the film here so as you will not hear the music from two sources :~)
wow- did i ever need to read this today!
ReplyDeletethanks so much.
i'd better take a look at the quality of my thoughts recently! such a great reminder that our individual moments matter a whole lot more than we sometimes remember they do.