On the way to Lynn Canyon Park to do our dances, my sister felt inspired to bring with us a long golden rope that was on the floor of her truck. What for? We had no idea...
We had been talking earlier in the morning about quantum physics and a book she was reading on intention and how our thoughts create our reality and also can influence other people and species around us - that we are all interconnected on an energetic level. The book is entitled "The Intention Experiment - Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Life and the World," by Lynne McTaggart.
When we came across this fallen tree being we were struck by it's horizontal line and felt drawn to use the rope / chord at this place. When we first nestled into the clearing under the log, I could feel my sister and I breathing together and I felt immediately connected energetically to her, as though we were sharing the same 'womb.'
When Momo witnessed the film she said it struck her how the golden chord looked to her like sound waves that are present everywhere, coursing through our lives and creating multitudes of connections...
The dance with my sister and the chord felt like a beautiful synergy between us and also a meaningful analogy of not only her and my interconnectedness, but, also with all other beings.
We loved how this green stump being appeared so personified - our witness in the woods :~)
In McTaggarts book, she writes:
"Two German physicists Bohr and Heisenberg realized that atoms were not little solar systems of billiard balls but something far more messy: tiny clouds of probability. Every subatomic particle is not a solid and stable thing, but exists simply as a potential of any one of its future selves- or what is known by physicists as a sum of all probabilities...
At the quantum level, reality resembled unset Jell-O...They suggested that matter, at its most fundamental, could not be divided into independently existing units... Things had no meaning in isolation; they had meaning only in a web of dynamic interrelationships.
They also discovered the astonishing ability of quantum particles influence each other....
Once in contact, particles retained an eerie remote hold over each other. The actions- for instance ....of one subatomic particle instantaneously influenced the other, no matter how far they were separated... a feature called “non-locality or “quantum entanglement...When particles are entangled, the actions of one will always influence the other in the same or the opposite direction, no matter how far they are separated. ... Albert Einstein refused to accept nonlocality, referring to it disparagingly as “spooky action at a distance”. Today physicists accept nonlocality as a strange feature of subatomic reality.
At the subatomic level, change also happened through dynamic shifts in energy; ... a ceaseless to-ing and fro-ing that gave rise to an unfathomably large layer of energy in the universe. ...The universe was not a storehouse of static, separate objects, but a single organism of interconnected energy fields in a continuous state of becoming. At its infinitestimal level our world resembled a vast network of quantum information, with all its component parts constantly on the phone.....
The only thing dissolving this little cloud of probability into something solid and measurable was the involvement of an observer. Once these scientists decided to have a closer look at the subatomic particle by taking a measurement, the subatomic entity that existed as pure potential would “collapse” into a particular state...living consciousness somehow was the influence that turned the possibility of something into something real...
The Observer effect in quantum experimentation gives rise to another heretical notion: that consciousness is somehow central to this process of transforming the unconstructed quantum world into something resembling everyday reality. It suggests not only that the observer brings the observed into being, but also that nothing in the universe exists as an actual “thing” independently of our perception of it... it implies that observation - the very involvement of consciousness gets the Jell-o to set."
Thank you for viewing / reading... I hope this blog may inspire you in some way - perhaps to dance your interconnectedness with all beings...
Please click the film below twice to see it on the YouTube channel where the right-hand side will not be cut-off...
Music: Levi Chen
View my butoh mentor's inspiring blog here: Maureen 'Momo' Freehill
So the word for "rope" in Canadian is "chord?" or "cord?" so wonderful that you continue to spell it chord....LOVE this post and all the quantum conversation. thank you.