Tuesday, June 15, 2010

beach, feathers and wings duet

Today's dance practice was with Rev, another butoh student of Momo's. It was great to be able to practice in concert with another at this lovely location that Rev knew of called 'Teddy Bear Cove.'

The day before, Rev had found a beautiful feather, and today on the trail to this beach, he found another (from a blue heron), and so these two feathers became our props for the dance. Rev had worked with Momo recently on the idea of dancing while imagining wings on the soles (souls:~) of the feet and thought this would be a good image for us to hold as we danced with the feathers, the deafening train, the shards of beach glass, the sand, the seaweed, and each other...

From the soles of our feet we also imagined wings sprouting from our elbows, from our knees, from our bellies... Grateful to share this dance of connection at such a beautiful place... with thanks to Rev.

Shadow and Light Source Both

How does a part of the world leave the world?
How does wetness leave water? Dont' try to

put out fire by throwing on more fire!
...No matter how fast

you run, your shadow keeps up. Sometimes it's
in front! Only full overhead sun diminishes

your shadow. But that shadow has been serving
you. What hurts you, blesses you. Darkness is

your candle. Your boundaries are your quest...
You must have shadow and light

source both. Listen, and lay your head under
the tree of awe. When from that tree feathers

and wings sprout on you, be quieter than
a dove. Don't even open your mouth for even a coo.

- Rumi

Thank you for viewing this blog. I hope it may inspire you in some way...
Music: Satowa
Visit my butoh mentor's inspiring blog here: Maureen 'Momo' Freehill


  1. Dear Lee,
    I was so inspired by this that I danced with you.
    Thank you for the inspiration and for dancing with me!

  2. I love this duet--and now trio....how gracious and wonderful it is to be collaborating with you all! The train entering was really quite a surprise. I look forward to our next chapter on this exploration with a quote from Kazuo Ohno and dance about forgiveness especially in relation to the shadow of humans addiction to CRUDE OIL. This one about seeing and being from a perspective other than human was response to Hijikata Tatsumi's words:
    " Butoh plays with time and also with perspective...if we humans learn to see things from the perspective of objects, the road trodden everyday is alive...we should value everything."
