Monday, November 22, 2010

cadiz, spain

“The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.”
Pablo Picasso

After many hours of air and train travel, combined with jet-lag, we arrived tired in body at our destination in Spain - Cadiz. The environs around Cadiz were a contrast to being home in the Pacific North West where I am drawn to practice dance with the elements of nature in the outdoors - often in secluded places in a nearby park.

In Cadiz, our apartment was on a narrow cobbled street adjacent to the seawall promenade that encircles the circumference of the ancient city. Here, the air is filled with the sounds of street traffic, any signs of 'earth / dirt' has been long ago paved over and there is a continual parade of people walking the wall.

The connection to the natural world was most deeply felt from the beauty of the many gardens (although manicured) and from the outlook across the endless looking ocean towards the Atlantic - the kind of vista that invites you to feel expansive in spirit, and limitless internally...
The wind was a constant presence and invited this dance play as we walked the ancient wall... feeling grateful for the beauty of the natural world's presence surrounding the hub of the city's bustling core.

My soul felt nourished while endeavoring to dance freely, with the elements present, even in this urban setting...
Thank you for viewing... I hope this blog may inspire in some way for you to dance freely wherever you find yourself....

Photos by Brooke
View my butoh mentor's inspiring blog here: Maureen 'Momo' Freehill

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