Lately I have been feeling my posts have too many words... Inspired by Carolyn and Patricia's recent poetic posts - "before abrupt awakening" and "sharing our dreams, dancing our dreams"...
I was not looking for particular images in nature or trying to remember specifics of our dreams or art... I was spontaneously dancing with the objects that I found... the reflections, here...
Dream... share with Patricia... walk... seeing my dream reflected back from nature... seeing my collage images reflected back from nature...
... golden shimmering flowers... branch reaching out across the sea to Japan... the sea... oyster shell 'pearls' in the sand... the lights from our hearts...
... nature reflecting Patricia's dream... nature reflecting Patricia's drawing (below)... earth, dirt, water, wind... waves... wavy waves rippling out from the center...
... branching, reflecting wavy waves of energy... dance waves... dance wavy concentric circles... spiraling into the center... the center of us all... spiraling out...
don't think... don't think...
only soul... ("No thinking....Only soul." Kazuo Ohno, Momo's butoh sensei)
... dance reflecting my dream... dance reflecting Patricia's dream, reflecting... our art...
...radiating out from the center... the hearts of us all... rippling out in all four directions... art / life / dance... no separation... connecting...
...radiating out from the center... the hearts of us all... rippling out in all four directions... art / life / dance... no separation... connecting...
Thank you for viewing my blog... I hope it may inspire you to dance your dreams... dance our dreams... or, join our collaboration? :~)
Love and light,
Music: Moby "Walk with Me."
Photos by Brooke
View our dance collaboration blog here: MomoButoh Company